"Addie does a wonderful job at explaining the content in a clear and concise manner. She is always willing to answer questions... she is great at teaching and clearing up concepts in a simple manner..."

"Addie is the BEST. Seriously, the BEST. I don't know how I would be getting through this course if it weren't for her sessions. She explains the material in a clear and concise manner. The examples she prepares are thorough, and she always tries to explain things in different ways so that everyone can understand the material."

 "She's extremely approachable and friendly. She makes herself accessible for additional review before our exams. It's clear that she's really excited about the material, and as difficult as it can get, it makes me excited about the material as well."

"So amazing and approachable and you can tell she really wants the students to do well. 10/10 An amazing SI experience, would not have an A in the class without her sessions."

"Addie is AMAZING! She expertly structures every SI session with ample review and plenty of practice problems. She somehow translates calculus into a language everyone can understand and fields all questions with knowledge and grace. I leave her sessions feeling much more confident in my ability to perform well on quizzes and exams."

-anonymous student comments on Supplemental Instruction feedback surveys at Tulane University