I like to spend a lot of my free time making things. This includes painting, sewing, scultping, 3D printing, laser cutting, water jetting, knitting, crocheting and more! 

Repair and Maintenance for Rapid Prototyping Machines

I was the primary repair technician for Ultimaker 2+ 3D Printers at the Scot Ackerman MakerSpace at Tulane. I have extensive experience with the repair and maintenence of Ultimaker 3 3D printers, Lulzbot Taz 5 3D printers, Epilog Fusion Pro Laser machines, and Epilog Legend Helix Laser machines as well. I also have experience training on associated softwares (Inkscape, CorelDraw, Fusion 360, Cura).

I currently work with a 2014 Type A Machines Series 1 that I fixed up after saving it from being doomed to a landfill. 

Addie Duncan wearing a black smock
Addie Duncan repairing a 3D printer
Addie Duncan holding a blow torch to a vice


Assorted earrings

Laser engraved photos on acrylic sheets, colored with acrylic paint.

"The Iterative Nature of Fractals" Accepted into the Newcomb Art Department Undergraduate Juried Exhibition, 

Fall 2018.

Laser cut and assembled 3D model of a mathematical knot.

3D printed and painted topographical model of Alpine County, CA

Laser cut and 3D printed tea bag holder.

Laser cut pie!

Laser cut and assembled 3D model of a "Turdy Point Buck".

An assortment of 3D printed Klein bottles

Plaster mold casted glass hands modeled after my hands.

Scanned model of my hands, 3D printed for a Mardi Gras costume.

Laser cut Mardi Gras throws for the Krewe of Wonder Women, Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus, March 2020.

Laser cut wooden sunglasses.

Laser cut box with a photo laser engraved on the lid.

Laser engraved cork coasters.

Laser cut palm tree trunk with hand sculpted glass leaves.

Earring holder.

Box with sliding lid.

Laser cut double pendulum.